Crayola Globbles Video

The goal: Crayola needed a video that was simple, energetic, and fun for their new product line, Globbles, to promote the product and boost its sales.

The work: We wanted the video to reflect the silly, energetic nature of the product. Our production and editing teams used bright, eye-catching motion graphics and exuberant talent to effectively communicate all the fun features of the toy while also giving a sense of what it would be like to play with it.

The result: An engaging and colorful video ad was created that captured the fun nature of the Globbles line. New awareness and interest were generated around the product, and after the video was put to use in international markets, kids of all kinds couldn’t wait to give this sticky, stretchy toy a try.

Olympus Your Science Matters Video

Olympus had received a shout out from a mobile science lab in New York, and knew it could be a great extension of “Your Science Matters,” a brand campaign that we helped produce for their Life Science Division.

See how we helped Olympus Life Science spread the BioBus mission to bring science education to underprivileged youth.

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Crayola CIY Video Series

With the modern do-it-yourself movement, Crayola saw a great opportunity to refocus on the creative potential of their core products.

See how we helped put countless products and creative possibilities in the limelight.

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Crayola Experience Testimonial Video

The goal: Crayola wanted a video produced that would continue to drive attendance growth at Crayola Experience locations throughout the country.

The work: These family fun centers, where visitors can bring their children to learn and play, generated a lot of excitement in guests, and they wanted that enthusiasm to speak for itself. We worked with Crayola to produce targeted interview questions to ask visitors as we filmed them interacting with various amusements at the Crayola Experience in nearby Easton, PA.

The result: The video became a vibrant and energetic TV spot that helped to promote family fun close to home. Footage was captured in a unique way that allowed us to create smaller clips, which could be used as a supporting social element in an activation campaign, encouraging visitors to experience Crayola like never before.

Crayola MyFirst Videos

The goal: Crayola needed a partner to help produce a cohesive set of photos and videos to support the relaunch of their early childhood brand, MyFirst, which cultivates three “stages” of childhood growth.

The work: We helped coordinate concepts, talent, location, and final editing for a robust, 3-day photo and video shoot. Children, from 18 months to 4 years old, were featured in photographs displaying 12 different scenarios involving MyFirst products. The video series was used to demonstrate projects that parents could do with their children, and were produced in both long and short formats.

The result: The short-format videos were used on digital platforms, extending the reach of the campaign remarkably. Overall, a complete suite of supporting materials allowed Crayola to effectively promote their growing MyFirst product line.